To do:
- Set up the navbar
- Make graphics
- Figure out fonts

I'm sillymyuu, and welcome to my silly site!
erm yeah... just another homepage online. i plan to use this as a personal page, journal, archive, and just a general place full of fun stuff lol.
i am an old web and late 90s-2000s aesthetic lover through and through, it contains some of my earliest and fondest memories. in a way, this website is devoted to that.
Let me know if you want to feature each other on our sites.
I'm currently working on a story of sorts that will hopefully be a webcomic in the future, but will currently be told in the form on a neocities site!! it's nowhere near done, but feel free to check it out if you want.
this site will probably always be somewhat under construction, but it especially is right now.
didn't really get a chance to come on here yesterday, I was packing and then going 2 hours away... i'm at my grandmas house now so lots of time to really fix this site up now, actually make the navbar do something etc... i also will be working on Mewniverse too, which is more for myself than anything but maybe someone here will find it interesting. also, i hope to figure out custom fonts soon, i downloaded one but it doesn't work just yet, something for me to troubleshoot i guess. i might move this daily log to its own page as well. anyway bye for now....
Feeling: lazy
another lazy day of updating my site, it may not look perfect but that's kinda what I like anyway. i'm going back to stay with family for the holidays tomorrow... there is good and bad about that, but at least i'll have even more time on my hands to work on this. an interesting thing happened. my cat got in the closet and got her claws stuck on a shirt, and she couldn't pull them out. i was asleep, but my other cat came up to me meowing, and led me back to where the stuck cat was so I could help her. sometimes i'm amazed with the intelligence of animals... and sometimes the opposite, as the cat didn't realize she could have just pulled the other direction to unstick herself in the first place.
Feeling: content
finally got my site up!! i've honestly been wanting to make a neocities site for a while now lol. following my instinct to return to the old style internet, and now i've been scrolling random neocities sites for hours. i find modern social media so boring nowadays and i have a bunch of free time now that it's winter break so i'm going to focus my time on building this site and making it my own personal place to relax online.
Feeling: accomplished